
Greece Google maps and Driving Directions

Get free driving directions, Google maps, traffic information for Greece, and Athens (GPS: 37 59 N 23 44 E), the capital city of the country located in (the) Southern Europe, bordering the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, between Albania and Turkey.

Find any address in Athens on the Google map of Greece (GR) with ease or calculate your up to date itinerary to and from Greece or its neighboring counties like Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Turkey.

Sightseeing and exploring in Europe starts here, thanks to Google because its Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of updated satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities. Wonder the world, use the satellite map function of the Google maps to explore or see differences on the Earth’s surface, inland, or the surrounding areas of Greece.

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